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Design Charrette


Parallel to the professional workshops during the Resilient Cities Summit, a collaborative student charrette including Dutch and University of Toronto students and Faculty is scheduled to take place.


In this design charrette, the central design question is how to design a resilient watershed under the threat of increasing climate impacts. The design process will last three days, with a site visit on the first day, followed by introductory lectures and design sessions on May 27th and May 28th. The first design day will focus on the watershed as a whole system, which is required to deal with increasing amounts of rainwater, which fall in more intense showers. For each of the parts of the watershed, upstream, middle area and mouth, design proposition will be developed to increase the resilience, for instance through storage of water upstream and releasing it slowly. The second day, the designs will zoom in on the urban planning and design level, integrating the water objectives and design proposals of the first day, with the characteristics of the urban fabric such as energy supply and saving, green and ecological public space, and the potentials for growing food in an urban context.


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